Sunday, October 28, 2012

Faxi music storm already reaching shoreline...

dear internet,

please forgive me,

in the next 2 months i am going to have lots of things to spam. i'll try not to get in your hair and walls too much, and promise to leave you alone for some months afterwards. :) if you like the stuff i'm gonna be pumping plz show support, share, spread, enjoy!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Late Haze EP Promos!! Out November 8 at Horns and Hoofs

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Upcoming Faxi Nadu releases for October - December

Who We Are EP - 4 track psytrance album via Soundkraft Records.

Late Haze EP - 4 track free to download melancholic minimal techno album via Horns & Hoofs.

Grind Disco vs Faxi  Nadu - Creamware Sluts - pure minimal techno tune via a Berlin Aufnahmen compilation.

Overdream - Liquid Dots (Faxi Nadu vs Manny Zagri Remix - hard and twisted yet euophoric psytrance tune via a Sonic Tantra compilation.

Grind Disco vs Faxi Nadu - Rogue Planet - hard prog psy/techno tune via a Biomechanix compilation.

there is also talk of another EP at Soundkraft, and another psytrance compilation in the brew... stay tuned <3