Streaming artist set, lots of tracks from last two albums + lots of unrl <3 enjoy
Faxi Nadu - Arrange My Mind
Faxi Nadu - I Am The Night (Escape and Faxi Remix)
Faxi Nadu - Temporal Control
Faxi Nadu - Golden Axe (2011 Remix)
Faxi Nadu - Who We Are
Faxi Nadu - Ancient Explorers
Tsabeat - HOTS (Faxi Nadu Remix)
Faxi Nadu - Flight 549
Faxi Nadu - Trivial Stellar Diamonds
Faxi Nadu - These Feelings
Faxi Nadu - Tracking Into The Wind
Faxi Nadu - The First Duty
Faxi Nadu - A Crow Perhaps A Raven
Faxi Nadu - Rambo Of The Mind
Faxi Nadu - Servelan Wins
Shift - Pump (Faxi Nadu Remix)
Kintaro - Fire Dance
Overdream - Ultramarine (Faxi Nadu Remix)
Faxi Nadu - For The Fire
Faxi Nadu - Finish The Course